As of the writing of this post, our great nation is on the verge of financial collapse. Our government still has the ability to advert financial suicide, Take a look at this National Debt Clock. This is a result of polititions spending money that we do not have to look good with the hopes of getting re-elected. Are you letting this happen to you? When a politician is removed from office by the people, they move on to being a political advisor for a news organization. They may write a book or go back to a company where they have sizable ownership in and make millions of dollars off of the legislation that they sponsored and passed.
For you and I, we cannot make bad financial decisions and move on to make millions. we have to accept responsibility for our actions and correct them. That is what this blog is about. One thing is clear. Change is in the air. If you are relying on a government program to help support your current lifestyle, you may want to change course very quickly and become financially responsible. Who knows which programs will survive this mess and which ones will leave you high and dry.
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