Manufactures want you to buy their products, but they also know that we are creatures of habit. Manufactures know that they must find a way to lure you away from your habits of purchasing someone else's brand of fish sticks to get you to buy theirs. How do they do it? With coupons.
I’m not suggesting that you start dumpster diving to get mountains of coupons for products that you will not even use. I’ve seen those extreme shows where die hard compounders spend more time planning a shopping run than actually going to work. Just use the coupons for the products that need that pop up right in front of you.
As always, go to the grocery store with a list that you intend to stick to. When you get to the store, pick up the in store flyer and see if there are any coupons for the products that you need. Don’t stick to a specific brand, but be flexible.
When you get to the product that you need, look for two things. Peelies and blinkie boxes. A peelie is a coupon that is on the product that you peel off and present at the register. A blinkie box are those coupon dispenses that hang on the shelf with the product. compare the prices of all the brands, taking into consider any coupons from the store flyer, blinkie boxes, and peelies.
You may like a particular brand, but you may also like a brand that you have not yet tried. Do not develop a brand loyalty. The manufactures are not loyal to you. They only want your money. Spend it wisely.